Manajemen full day school : studi kasus SD Nasima dan MI Al-Khoiriyyah 1 Kota Semarang
Khotijah, Siti (2019) Manajemen full day school : studi kasus SD Nasima dan MI Al-Khoiriyyah 1 Kota Semarang. Masters thesis, UIN Walisongo.
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Studi ini dimaksudkan menjawab permasalahan: (1) Bagaimana manajemen full day school di SD Nasima? (2) Bagaimana manajemen full day school di Al-Khoiriyyah? (3) Bagaiamana model full day school yang ideal? Permasalahan tersebut dikaji dengan penelitian kualaitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Datanya diperoleh dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Semua data dianalisis dengan pendekatan studi kasus dan analisis diskriptif. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa: Manajemen full day school di SD Nasima dalam perencanaan SDMnya sudah melalui berbagai kesiapan dibeberapa aspek yakni baik dalam SDM, saran parasarana maupun kurikulum SD Nasima sudah memenuhi kebutuhan anak selama berada di sekolah full day school. SDM yang muda energik, dan komitmen tinggi untuk berkembang, sarana prasarana yang lengkap untuk memenuhi kebutuhan siswa sekolah ini berhasil menerapkan full day school yang meningkatkan kualitas sekolah. Manajemen full day school di MI Al-Khoiriyyah. Dalam perencanaannya full day school di sekolah ini lebih menekankan pada keunggulan akhlaq dan prestasi agama melihat kurikulum yang digunakan di sekolah ini adalah dari kementrian agama. Dengan fasilitas yang cukup memadai serta tenaga pengajar dan kependidikan memiliki komitmen yang baik dalam melaksanakan full day school sehingga sekolah ini berhasil. Evaluasi dilaksanakan setiap satu bulan sekali oleh kepala sekolah, guru dan tenaga kependidikan. Manajemen full day school yang ideal berdasarkan SD Nasima dan MI Al-Khoiriyyah harus memenuhi beberapa hal seperti sumber daya manusia harus berkualitas dan profesional. Hal ini dilihat dari adanya komitmen bersama bahwa kerja sama antar stakeholder diperlukan kesolidan dan dedikasi yang tinggi serta komitemen yang kuat. Faslilitas yang memadai dan menunjang untuk pembelajaran dan pembiasaan atau rutinitas anak. Desain kurikulum yang memadai dan menunjang dalam aspek konsentrasi dan potensi anak. Dalam full day school tidak sembarang sekolah yang dapat melakukanya maka disarankan untuk sekolah yang hendak melakukanya harus menelaah dahulu kesiapan sekolah dalam melaksanakan full day school. Disarankan adanya tindak lanjut mengenai bagaimana manajemen pembiayaan dalam full day school, karena dalam penelitian ini masih terbatas pada fasilitas, sumber daya manusia, dan kurikulum saja.
This research is aimed to answer the problem: (1) How is full day school management at Nasima Elementary school? (2) How is full day school management in Al-Khoiriyyah Islamic elementary school? (3) How is best full day school management? These problems are examined by qualitative research with a case study approach. The data is obtained by interviews, observation, and documentation. All data were analyzed by case study approach and descriptive analysis This study shows that: Full day school management at SD Nasima. In human resource planning, it has gone through various suggestions in several aspects, namely both in human resources, fasilities and curriculum Nasima Elementry School have met the needs of children while in full day school. Energetic young human resources, and high commitment to develop, complete infrastructure to meet the needs of students This school has successfully implemented a full day school that improves the quality of the school. Full day school management at Al-Khoiriyyahislamic elementary school. In planning full day school in this school more emphasis on morality and religious achievement see the curriculum used in this school is from the ministry of religion. With sufficient facilities and teaching staff and education have a good commitment in carrying out full day school so that the school is successful. Evaluation is carried out once a month by principals, teachers and education. staff. The best full day school management based on Nasima elementary school and Al-Khoiriyyah islamic elementary school must fulfill several things such as Human Resources must be of high quality and professional. This is seen from the shared commitment that cooperation between society school requires solidity and high dedication and strong commitment. Adequate and supportive facilities for learning and habituation or routine for children. Desgin curriculum that is adequate and supports in terms of concentration and potential of children.
In full day school is not just any school that can do it, it is recommended for schools that want to do it must first review the readiness of the school in carrying out full day school. It is recommended that there be a follow-up on how to finance management in full day school, because in this study it is still limited to facilities, human resources, and curriculum.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Full day school; Sekolah Dasar (SD); Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI); SD Nasima; MI Al-Khoiriyyah; Semarang |
Subjects: | 200 Religion (Class here Comparative religion) > 290 Other religions > 297 Islam and religions originating in it > 297.7 Propagation of Islam > 297.77 Islamic religious education 300 Social sciences > 370 Education > 371 School management; special education > 371.3 Metode, kegiatan belajar mengajar; metode pembelajaran |
Divisions: | Program Pascasarjana > Program Master (S2) > 86131 - Manajemen Pendidikan Islam (S2) |
Depositing User: | Miswan Miswan |
Date Deposited: | 17 Feb 2021 08:01 |
Last Modified: | 17 Feb 2021 08:01 |
URI: | |
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