Identification and documentation of wild plant species with ornamental potentials at Mount Prau, Central Java, Indonesia

Lianah, Lianah and Chusna, Noor Amalia and Purnomo, Eko and Krisantini, Krisantini and Ahmad, Milya Urfa (2021) Identification and documentation of wild plant species with ornamental potentials at Mount Prau, Central Java, Indonesia. ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE (Ornam. Hortic.), 28 (1). pp. 110-119. ISSN 2447-536X

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Indonesia has diverse flora and fauna, and many species remain largely undiscovered. Documentation and identification of threatened wild ornamental species are increasingly difficult due to ongoing exploitation and land conversion. Mount Prau is one of the popular destinations in Central Java, Indonesia for tourism. Understanding plant biodiversity has enormous value for the economy, ecology, culture, science, and recreation. Our study is aimed to record the diversity and identify the flowering plant species in their native habitat at Mount Prau, Central Java, Indonesia. Our field surveys demonstrated that Mount Prau has abundant wild ornamental plants with wide diversity of taxa, growth habits, and forms. A total of 103 species representing 51 families and 95 genera are identified including trees, shrubs, herbs, and lianas. We also found that among the plant species found in Mount Prau, 24 have morphological characters suitable to be cultivated as ornamental flowers, and 12 as ornamental foliages, and 63 species are medicinal plants. The ornamental criteria of these species were based on the literature describing the morphological and unique characters of leaves and flowers that made them potential to be developed as ornamental plants. In this paper we have provided the current conservation status of the plant species identified and recommendations on their conservation. This study provides baseline data of species found in the Mount Prau areas, and this information could be helpful for further conservation efforts and initiatives.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Wild plants; Documentation; Identification; Mount Prau; Ornamental
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 580 Plants > 582 Plants noted for specific vegetative characteristics and flowers
Divisions: Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > 46201 - Biologi
Depositing User: Miswan Miswan
Date Deposited: 01 Mar 2022 22:53
Last Modified: 01 Mar 2022 22:53

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