Optimalisasi modal sosial masyarakat dalam pengembangan objek wisata religi : studi pada Desa Wisata Nyatnyono Kecamatan Ungaran Barat Kabupaten Semarang
Priambudi, Abi (2022) Optimalisasi modal sosial masyarakat dalam pengembangan objek wisata religi : studi pada Desa Wisata Nyatnyono Kecamatan Ungaran Barat Kabupaten Semarang. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.
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Modal sosial menjadi isu strategis yang berlaku hingga saat ini. Investasi modal sosial memiliki jangka panjang yang menjanjikan. Masyarakat desa yang kental akan corak tradisi budaya, baik ritual maupun situs budaya ditelisik berdasarkan unsur modal sosial yang dimilikinya. Unsur modal sosial unsur kepercayaan (trust) dan jaringan (network) digunakan untuk menganalisis proses pengembangan Desa Wisata Religi Nyatnyono. Desa Nyatnyono berada di lereng Gunung Ungaran, Puncak Suroloyo. Keberagaman tradisi yang ada di Desa Nyatnyono, seperti iriban, puncak malam selikuran, mandi di Sendang Nyatnyono membuat modal sosial masyarakat menarik untuk diungkap. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan yang menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Sumber data pada penelitian ini diperoleh proses pencatatan tertulis, pengambilan dokumentasi foto. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian kualitatif ini melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif modal sosial Fukuyama. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui solidaritas dan optimalisasi unsur modal sosial Trust dan Network terhadap pengembangan Desa Wisata Religi Nyatnyono.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa solidaritas dan optimalisasi modal sosial masyarakat Nyatnyono begitu tinggi. Solidaritas masyarakat terbagi dalam tiga bentuk, yakni perbaikan dan pembangunan infrastruktur, perayaan tradisi desa, dan menyebarkan profil desa wisata religi. Implementasi rasa percaya dan jaringan yang dimiliki antar warga Nyatnyono mengukuhkan solidaritas berupa semangat gotong royong dan kerja sama. Kenyataan itu, tampak pada perayaan Hari Santri Nasional, Khaul Waliyullah Hasan Munadi, pembangunan Masjid, Mushola beserta fasilitasnya, perbaikan jalan, penataan lingkungan, pelaksanaan Iriban. Adapun optimalisasi modal sosial terlihat pada saat suksesnya vaksinasi massal di masa pandemi, karena meningkatnya rasa percaya warga terhadap sosialisasi perangkat desa. Selain itu, kontribusi masyarakat dalam pembangunan, perbaikan, penataan infrastruktur yang didasari rasa percaya antar warga untuk merawat desa. Efek dari kepuasan peziarah yang merasa nyaman ketika datang ke Desa Nyatnyono hingga turut membantu penyebaran potensi wisata religi Desa Nyatnyono. Di samping itu, jaringan yang terbangun antar warga cukup luas melibatkan komunitas SAR Nyawa Wali ketika terjadi bencana longsor. Juga jaringan warga Desa Nyatnyono yang telah menjadi Kiai di luar desa berkontribusi memperkenalkan, bahkan mengajak santrinya untuk ziarah ke Makam Waliyullah Hasan Munadi dan Sendang Kalimah Thoyyibah.
Social capital is an issue strategy that is currently in effect. Social capital investment has long-term promise. What if a person or group is able to maintain good social relations. Village communities that are thick with cultural traditions, both rituals and cultural sites are examined based on the burdensome elements of social capital. Optimization of trust and network elements of social capital used to analyze the process of developing a Religious Tourism Village. This research is a field research that uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Sources of data in this study obtained a written recording process, taking photo documentation. Data collection techniques in this qualitative research are through observation, interviews, and documentation. This study uses the perspective of Fukuyama's social capital. The purpose of this study was to determine the solidarity and optimization of elements of social capital Trust and Network on the development of the Nyatnyono Religious Tourism Village.
The results of this study indicate that the solidarity and social capital of the people of Nyatnyono Village are very high and diverse. This can be proven by the form of community solidarity in infrastructure improvement and development, community solidarity in improving village traditions, community solidarity in spreading the name and existence of religious tourism villages. In addition, the implementation of the reality of solidarity and social capital of the Nyatnyono Village community in the role of Trust and Network. Its role is like a good Trust and Network that creates a spirit of gotong royong or cooperation in the Nyatnyono Village community. For example at the National Santri Day event, Khaul Waliyullah Hasan Munadi, construction of mosques, prayer rooms and parking lots, road repairs, environmental management, implementation of Iriban. Then regarding the optimization of social capital for the development of religious tourism villages, it boils down to the conditions of the Trust and Network owned by the community. Trust conditions owned by the community, namely at the time of the success of mass vaccination during the pandemic, because the community did not believe in the socialization of village officials. In addition, for the condition of the network owned by the community, the emergency response carried out by the Nyawa Wali SAR community and the residents of Nyatnyono Village when a landslide occurred. Finally, regarding the optimization of the Trust and Network for the development of Religious Tourism Villages, in the form of community contributions in development, improvement, infrastructure arrangement based on the trust of residents to care for the village and the effect of satisfaction of pilgrims who feel comfortable when they come to Nyatnyono Village to help spread tourism potential. The religion of Nyatnyono Village, as well as the network of Nyatnyono Village residents who have become Kiai outside the village introduced, even invited their students to visit the Tomb of Waliyullah Hasan Munadi and Sendang Kalimah Thoyyibah.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate (S1)) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Modal sosial; Solidaritas; Objek wisata religi |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 360 Social services; association > 361 General social problems and services |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik > 69201 - Sosiologi |
Depositing User: | Miswan Miswan |
Date Deposited: | 20 Mar 2023 09:30 |
Last Modified: | 20 Mar 2023 09:30 |
URI: | https://eprints.walisongo.ac.id/id/eprint/19508 |
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