Persaingan strategi pemasaran home industry tempe Ibu Urfatusolikha dan Ibu Imah perspektif ekonomi Islam : studi komparasi home industry di Dusun Blanten Desa Cikura Kecamatan Bojong Kabupaten Tegal

Qistina, Qina (2023) Persaingan strategi pemasaran home industry tempe Ibu Urfatusolikha dan Ibu Imah perspektif ekonomi Islam : studi komparasi home industry di Dusun Blanten Desa Cikura Kecamatan Bojong Kabupaten Tegal. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

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Home industry tempe Ibu Urfatusholikha dan Ibu Imah merupakan suatu usaha yang berdiri di satu dusun yang sama keduanya melakukan persaingan dengan perbedaan mulai dari proses produksi tempe sampai pemasaranya. Home industry tempe Ibu Urfatusholikha berdiri lebih dulu dibandingkan home industry tempe Ibu Imah, namun dalam memproduksi tempenya sudah mampu bersaing dan juga stabil setiap bulanya sedangan home industry tempe Ibu Urfatusholikha mengalami ketidak stabilan dalam proses produksinya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian lapangan (file Resesach) dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Metode pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis melalui teknik reduksi data, penyajian data dan verivikasi data.
Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa home industry tempe Ibu Urfatusholikha dan Ibu Imah menerapkan strategi pemasaran (marketing mix) bauran pemasaran yang menggunakan elemen 4P+4C yaitu product, price, place, promotion, serta customer need, cost, convenience dan communication dari hal tersebut bisa dilihat pada segi tempat produksi home industry tempe Ibu Imah kurang strategis bagi produsen namun produsen tetap mengutamakan konsumen menurut ekonomi syariah berdasarkan hukum kausalitas yang harus diperhatikan sudah sesuai, dalam proses promosi yang dilakukan oleh home industry tempe Ibu Imah masih menggunakan cara yang sederhana tidak ada perkembangan hal ini belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan sisitem ekonomi syariah karena Islam menganjurkan umatnya untuk selalu berupaya mencapai yang terbaik. Persaingan yang terjadi pada home industry tempe Ibu Urfatusholikha dan Ibu Imah bersaing sesuai ekonomi Islam dengan cara yang sehat artinya tidak menjatuhkan satu sama lain.
The tempe home industry, Mrs. Urfatusholikha and Mrs. Imah, is a business that stands in the same hamlet, both of which compete with differences starting from the tempe production process to its marketing. The tempe home industry, Mrs. Urfatusholikha, was established earlier than the tempe home industry, Mrs. Imah, but in producing the tempe it has been able to compete and is also stable every month, while the tempe home industry, Mrs. Urfatusholikha, has experienced instability in its production process.
This study uses a type of field research (file research) with a qualitative descriptive approach. The data obtained in this study are in the form of primary data and secondary data. Data collection methods through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed through data reduction techniques, data presentation and data verification.
The results of the study showed that the tempe home industry Mrs. Urfatusholikha and Mrs. Imah implemented a marketing mix (marketing mix) strategy that used 4P + 4C elements, namely product, price, place, promotion, as well as customer need, cost, convenience and communication. From this it can be seen in terms of place of production of Ibu Imah's tempeh home industry is less strategic for producers but producers still prioritize consumers according to sharia economics based on the law of causality that must be considered is appropriate, in the promotion process carried out by the tempeh home industry Ibu Imah still uses a simple method there is no development of things This is not fully in accordance with the sharia economic system because Islam encourages its followers to always strive for the best. The competition that occurred in the tempe home industry, Mrs. Urfatusholikha and Mrs. Imah, competed according to the Islamic economy in a healthy way, meaning they did not bring each other down.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate (S1))
Uncontrolled Keywords: Persaingan; Home Industry Tempe; Strategi Pemasaran 4P+4C
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 330 Economics
600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 650 Management and auxiliary services > 658 General management > 658.8 Marketing management (pemasaran, distribusi)
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam > 60202 - Ekonomi Syariah (Ekonomi Islam) (S1)
Depositing User: Muhammad Mikail Azka
Date Deposited: 25 Jul 2023 10:40
Last Modified: 25 Jul 2023 10:40

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