Politik distributif bantuan sosial sembako di akar rumput pada masa pandemi covid-19 tahun 2021 : studi kasus di Kelurahan Mangunharjo Kecamatan Tugu Kota Semarang
Safitri, Salsana Desyca Dini (2022) Politik distributif bantuan sosial sembako di akar rumput pada masa pandemi covid-19 tahun 2021 : studi kasus di Kelurahan Mangunharjo Kecamatan Tugu Kota Semarang. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.
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Program Bantuan Sosial Sembako merupakan program sosial yang dilaksanakan Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia dalam rangka menggairahkan bidang sosial di masa Covid-19 saat ini. Berdasarkan Data Jaminan Sosial Program Terpadu Kesejahteraan Sosial akan disosialisasikan kepada masyarakat umum (DTKS). Corona Dies 2019 (COVID-19) yang terjadi di Indonesia banyak diminati oleh berbagai kalangan, terutama masyarakat umum, dan menampilkan berbagai peredam khusus sektor. Pemerintah menggelontorkan berbagai skema bantuan yaitu Program Bantuan Sosial, salah satunya adalah bantuan sosial berupa sembako, sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab negara kepada masyarakat didalam mengantisipasi semua permasalan dengan efektivitas pelaksanaan program, dapat ditentukan indikator kinerja utama program. Efektivitas tersebut dinilai dengan melihat bagaimana proses dan pola distribusi yang dilakukan apakah sudah sesuai dengan prosedur. Selain itu, dalam proses-proses tersebut terdapat beberapa penyimpangan terhadap distribusi bantuan sosial yang mengakibatkan adanya kesenjangan hingga terjadi konflik baik antar sesama masyarakat maupun masyarakat dengan perangkat keluarahan setempat yang diakibatkan oleh beberapa oknum pada level akar rumput. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami kebijakan distribusi bantuan sosial sembako dilakukan pada wilayah Tanggulsari Kelurahan Mangunharjo Kota Semarang sehingga dari pola distribusi tersebut dapat diketahui siapa aktor akar rumput yang mempengaruhi dan berkepentingan sehingga menentukan sistem distribusi bantuan sosial sembako covid-19. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian lapangan yang menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan program Bantuan Sosial Sembako Kementerian Sosial RI pada masa Covid-19 di RW.005 Kelurahan Mangunharjo kurang berhasil terutama pada saat pendataan awal. Selain itu, terdapat beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan ketidakefektifan ini, antara lain data yang dikumpulkan untuk penerima bantuan tidak valid, tidak ada pengambilan susulan, dan distribusi sembako yang salah sasaran.
The Basic Food Social Assistance Program is a social program as a form of government intervention through the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs in order to provide a stimulus for the Social Safety Network in the midst of the Covid-19 period. The Social Assistance Program will be provided to the community based on the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS). The emergence of the 2019 Corona Dieseas (COVID-19) in Indonesia has raised concerns from various groups, especially the community and has had a detrimental impact on various sectors. As a form of state responsibility to the community in anticipating all problems related to Covid-19, the government has poured various aid schemes, namely the Social Assistance Program, one of which is social assistance in the form of basic necessities. To see the indicators of achievement of the social assistance program, it can be measured through the effectiveness of the implementation of the Social Assistance program. The effectiveness can be assessed by looking at how the process and distribution pattern carried out are in accordance with the procedure. In addition, in these processes there were several deviations in the distribution of social assistance which resulted in gaps resulting in conflicts both between fellow communities and the community with local family officials caused by several elements at the grassroots level. The purpose of this study was to determine the pattern of distribution of basic food social assistance carried out in the Tanggulsari area, Mangunharjo Village, Semarang City so that from the distribution pattern it can be seen who the grassroots actors are influencing the distribution system of social assistance for the COVID-19 basic necessities. The method used in this research is a field research type research method that uses qualitative research methods. There were eight informants in this study. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the Social Assistance program for the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia during the Covid-19 period in RW.005, Mangunharjo Village, has not been effective, especially during the initial data collection to determine the recipients of assistance and there is an inhibiting factor in this study, namely the data on the recipients of assistance submitted is not in accordance with the number of basic necessities received, there was no data validation, follow-up taking, and food that was issued suddenly and there was no socialization, and there were grassroots actors, namely the head of the Neighborhood Association (RT) who had a big influence on decision making in determining prospective recipients of social assistance.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate (S1)) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Politik distributif; Bantuan sosial; Pandemi covid-19; Akar rumput |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 320 Political science (Politics and government) > 324 The political process |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik > 67201 - Ilmu Politik |
Depositing User: | Rahmat Darmawan Nitimartono |
Date Deposited: | 01 Aug 2023 02:04 |
Last Modified: | 01 Aug 2023 02:04 |
URI: | https://eprints.walisongo.ac.id/id/eprint/20232 |
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