The significance of the verse about the prohibition of raising voice in żikr QS. Al-a'rāf verse 205 ; ma’nā-cum-maghzā analysis

'Aisyah, Siti Nur (2023) The significance of the verse about the prohibition of raising voice in żikr QS. Al-a'rāf verse 205 ; ma’nā-cum-maghzā analysis. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.

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Żikr is a very much offended worship both in the Koran and ḥadīṡ. Żikr is a commandment of God that must be carried out at all times, wherever and whenever. Żikr can be done by heart and by word of mouth, and by it self and in a group. Żikr or remembering God is what the heart and the spoken do in prayer consecrate God and laud him, mention qualities the greatness and majesty and the qualities of beauty and perfection that that have been He owns. Żikr usually can also be done in the loud voice and quiet voice, but that God has commanded in QS. Al-A’rāf : 205 whose contents forbid it to loud voice when doing żikr. Koran open to understanding with various insights. Therefore, the author will attempt to reinterpretation QS. Al-A’rāf (7) : 205 using an approach that covers two aspects at once and becomes a component in the Koran, linguistic and historical aspects by using ma'nā-cum-maghzā which was destroyed by Sahiron Syamsuddin. Therefore, question to be answered in this review is how linguistic and historical analysis QS. Al-A’rāf (7) : 205? And how the relevant QS. Al-A’raf (7) : 205 related prohibition of raising voice in żikr today in the indonesian with the ma'nā-cum-maghzā? The study use a descriptive methods analysis, which is a method intended to make a description or description are systematic, factual and accurate about facts, qualyties and characteristics connection between investigated phenomena. Data collection technique are taking place a author with a library research study official documents, books, research result the reports and so forth relate to the thesis tittle. Research result it was discovered, that Always remember God not only with lips and tongue but with soul and heart. Appearing before God in humility, fear, and taqwā, imagining the greatness of God, fearing his doom and torment, and hoping for his protection and help. So the essence of the human spirit became clear and connected with the source of his fine, illuminating pepper. It should remember that God is done with an attitude that does not hurt excellence and does not contradict self-humoring, that is, by whistling, applause. Thinking is infinite, even remembering God must be in the heart at all times. The Koran gives many directions to think ata time as if the whole universe were affecting the human heart, because żikr more complex than prayer, then the time is not limited to prayer times only. Fail to God not with the lips and the tongue but with the heart and soul of the miser that subjects the heart so as not to do things forbidden by God because he knows God will surely suck them up. Do not fail to remember God because man always needs to be in touch with his God, in order to withstand devil's temptations. Always żikr to God at all times, and to humble himself in praise of him and fear all his torments. The conditions of the people on the dial different from those of the people now. Therefore żikr also had no need to be in secrecy and may in a low voice but not be heard at all so was the letting of a loud voice but not faint, for such a thing did not include the Prophet's teaching of żikr.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate (S1))
Uncontrolled Keywords: Żikr; ma’nā-cum-maghzā; Al-A 'rāf
Subjects: 200 Religion (Class here Comparative religion) > 290 Other religions > 297 Islam and religions originating in it > 297.1 Sources of Islam > 297.12 Al-Quran and Hadith > 297.122 Al-Quran > 297.1226 Interpretation and Criticism
Depositing User: Bahrul Ulumi
Date Deposited: 07 Mar 2025 08:28
Last Modified: 07 Mar 2025 08:28

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