Analysis of the spiritual experience of performing umrah for converts to Islam : phenomenological study in Muallaf Kita Bersama Semarang city
Hakim, Lukman (2024) Analysis of the spiritual experience of performing umrah for converts to Islam : phenomenological study in Muallaf Kita Bersama Semarang city. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang.
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Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis pengalaman spiritual pelaksanaan ibadah umrah bagi mualaf. Pengalaman spiritual yang dialami oleh mualaf dalam pelaksanaan ibadah umrah tentu berbeda dengan pengalaman spiritual yang dialami oleh umat Islam yang lahir dan besar dalam lingkungan Islam. Pengalaman spiritual mualaf lebih kompleks dan dinamis, karena dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, seperti latar belakang, motivasi, harapan, dan tantangan yang mereka hadapi. Pengalaman spirritual ini diteliti dengan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi, Subjek penelitian ini adalah 5 orang mualaf yang telah melaksanakan ibadah umrah di komunitas MKB. Metode dan alat pengumpul data pada penelitian ini adalah dengan metode wawancara. Serta untuk hasil wawancara dan observasi diuraikan dalam bentuk deskriptif. Menurut hasil analisis data yang sudah dilaksankan pada hasil dan pembahasan, penulis bisa menarik simpulan yaitu: Jamaah mualaf yang melaksankan umrah memiliki aspek pengalaman spiritual yang dijabarkan oleh William James yaitu aspek ineffability yang diungkapkan melalui perasaan yang takjub dan sulit dijelaskan oleh kata kata ketika sampai di area kabah dan mencium hajar aswad, aspek noetic quality yang diungkapkan melalui perasaan seperti ada jamaah ghaib yang membantu untuk mencium hajar aswad, menolong saat terhimpit dikerumunan jamaah yang sedang thawaf, aspek transiency yang diungkapkan melalui perasaan gelisah dan tiba-tiba menangis teringat akan dosa-dosa yang telah diperbuat, dan aspek passivity yang diungkapkan melalui memfokuskan diri hanya kepada Allah SWT dengan berdzikir dan memohon ampunan.
The aim of this research is to analyze the spiritual experience of carrying out the Umrah pilgrimage for Muslim converts. The spiritual experience experienced by converts in performing Umrah is certainly different from the spiritual experience experienced by Muslims who were born and raised in an Islamic environment. The spiritual experience of converts is more complex and dynamic, because it is influenced by various factors, such as background, motivation, expectations, and the challenges they face. This spiritual experience was studied using a phenomenological approach. The subjects of this study were 5 converts who had performed Umrah in the MKB community. The method and data collection tools in this research are interviews. And for the results of interviews and observations described in descriptive form. According to the results of data analysis that has been carried out in the results and discussion, the author can draw conclusions, namely: Converts who perform Umrah have aspects of spiritual experience described by William James, namely aspects of ineffability expressed through feelings of amazement and difficult to explain by words when arriving at the Kabah area and kissing Hajar Aswad, aspects of noetic quality expressed through feelings such as there are supernatural worshipers who help to kiss Hajar Aswad, The transiency aspect is expressed through feelings of anxiety and suddenly crying when reminded of the sins that have been committed, and the passivity aspect is expressed through focusing only on Allah SWT by dhikr and asking for forgiveness.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate (S1)) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Pengalaman spiritual; Umrah; Mualaf; Fenomenologi |
Subjects: | 200 Religion (Class here Comparative religion) > 290 Other religions > 297 Islam and religions originating in it > 297.3 Islamic Worship / Ibadah > 297.35 Sacred places (Masjid). Pilgrims (Haji, Umrah) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi > 76201 - Manajemen Haji dan Umrah |
Depositing User: | Miswan Miswan |
Date Deposited: | 08 Mar 2025 03:02 |
Last Modified: | 08 Mar 2025 03:02 |
URI: | |
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